
In most cultures, drinking is a social leveler that bonds human beings together when exclaiming cheers, nasdarovie, evviva or ganbei. A particular Chinese drinking game involving seven fountains informs the awkward-to-handle dimensions of this piece. It can also be seen as a fragile large libation receptacle, capable of precarious balance.

“My visit to Guizhou Province in the summer of 2017 through the China Cultural Centre was my first experience of visiting China. The colours of this wonderful country, and particularly those of the cities, towns and villages we visited in Guizhou struck me through their saturation and boldness. I was also impressed by the crisp lines in the architecture, both old and contemporary, as well as in a variety of natural habitats. However, the visual element that captivated me most enchantingly was the play of natural light during the day and that of electric lights after sundown.”

This work was exhibited at as part of the touring exhibition Inspired in China, under the auspices of the China Cultural Centre in Malta and Gozo throughout 2018. Venues included the Parliament of Malta, Malta International Airport, and the Ministry for Gozo.