Go Go Go

Go Go Go come about from the generous hospitality offered visiting guests of the Ministry of Culture in China. The sense of speed embedded in the whizzing about from one site to the next to fit in a packed itinerary designed to make the best of a few days’ visit to Guizhou province. As with many other whirlwind tours in foreign lands, travelers seek ways to sooth themselves after climbing seemingly never-ending flights of stairs visiting caves, mountains and other spectacular places. 

The multilayered design of this work brings the spirit of Antonio Sciortino’s Speed to Tabone’s own interpretation of being on the go without affording enough time to dwell on anything for too long. This is also a way to capture the centrality of impermanence, a cornerstone in Buddhist faith which is frequently encountered across Guizhou, sometimes in the most unlikely places.

This work was exhibited at as part of the touring exhibition Inspired in China, under the auspices of the China Cultural Centre in Malta and Gozo throughout 2018. Venues included the Parliament of Malta, Malta International Airport, and the Ministry for Gozo.