My Riddle

There are two types of riddles: enigmas or allegories. My Riddle (2017) hides a meaning that tells a story still to be seen across several layers. Riddles are associated with many solutions or answers. Things are rarely as stable as they seem.

Traditionally, riddles have been held to have a single correct statement solving the puzzle set by the riddler. Some riddles have double or multiple meanings, so it follows that they may also have more appropriate outcomes addressing the playfulness that veils their order.

“We can probably say that riddling is a universal art”  – American folklorist Archer Taylor (1890-1973)

This work was exhibited at as part of the touring exhibition Inspired in China, under the auspices of the China Cultural Centre in Malta and Gozo throughout 2018. Venues included the Parliament of Malta, Malta International Airport, and the Ministry for Gozo.