X’Fadal minn Naħla

Naħla (2017) was accidentally damaged irreparably while it was being transported from St James Cavalier to the Palazzo de La Salle in Valletta. The remains have served to provide for this piece and Rjali, both produced in 2018.

X’Fadal minn Naħla (2018) (trans. what remains from Naħla)  consists of the entire wingspan from additional pieces originally created for a secondary indoor installation concurrent with the exterior work exhibited during the 3rd edition of VIVA – the Valletta International Visual Arts festival. In practical terms, these were addition parts for a complementary installation within the building adjacent to the outdoor large-scale work.

As with Naħla, the shadows cast by the plexiglass objects is an essential part of the work. The interplay with light and the various piece that make up this large object, make this an even more spectral experience than was possibly ever intended for the original work from which it stems.

This work forms part of Fondazzjoni Kreattività’s permanent collection, which is a substantial part of the modern and contemporary section of the National Art Collection of Malta. It was seen again during the Art+Feminism 2019 exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta.