
Photo : Jean Marc Zerafa

Video of Ġisimna exhibited at Spazju Kreattiv in ART+Feminism

Ġisimna is part of a collection of works from PreHerstory. Including Ġismi, Fjur and Not Venus.

When you first see this work you probably see something that reminds you of the bottom part of some of the prehistoric figurine remains found in Malta. True to the artist’s style, in this work she plays with the illusion of light and shadow, engaging with the multilayered meanings of this piece. The double spiral shadow evokes a symbol frequently found in Neolithic time representing harmony, beginning, concentration, and focus. The spiral pattern is one of the most common in nature, from snail shells to whirlpools to entire galaxies. In various cultures and belief systems, the spiral commonly signifies the sun or the radiation of ethereal energy. Reflecting female power through transition and growth.

This work is a companion piece to Ġismi, which takes an introspective approach to broadly related themes across the Preherstory series.